16 February 2021

Narrated Empires: Perceptions of Late Habsburg and Ottoman Multinationalism

New publication by Johanna Chovanec and Olof Heilo (Eds.) that examines imperial narratives of multinationalism as alternative ideologies to nationalism from 1848 to 1918. It brings together expertise of several scholarly networks, including the Many Roads in Modernity (Copenhagen) and the Post-Imperial Narratives in the Central European Literatures of Modernity (Zagreb and Vienna).  The book provides a polyphonic analysis of Habsburg and Ottoman multinationalism, drawing on a wide range of sources, from documents from imperial centres to novels and newspapers.

Find more information about the book at the publisher's website

View all publications in the book series Modernity, Memory and Identity in South-East Europe

Cover of Narrated Empires: Perceptions of Late Habsburg and Ottoman Multinationalism