
Wednesday 11 December
12 pm Lunch served at the venue of the conference
1 – 1.15 pm Catharina Raudvere and Mogens Pelt
Welcome and some very short comments on Nostalgia and the Many Roads in Modernity             
chair: Catharina Raudvere
1 – 2.15 pm Renee Hirschon
Surpassing Nostalgia: Personhood, Displacement and Longing for Home 
Discussant: Ayhan Aktar
2.30 – 3.30 pm Keith Brown
Beli damka (Blank stains): On Anti-communism and Ante-communism
Discussant: Mogens Pelt
3.45 – 4.45 pm Trine Stauning Willert
“All have a place in God’s imaret”: Nostalgic Visions of Religious Coexistence in Contemporary Greek Popular Historical Fiction
Discussant: Elisabeth Özdalga
6 pm Visit to the David Collection: introduction and guided tour with the director of the museum, Kjeld von Folsach
Kronprinsessegade 30, 1306 København K
8 pm Dinner at restaurant Radio
Julius Thomsensgade 12, 1632 København K
Thursday 12 December
chair: Niels Reeh
9 – 10 am Ger Duijzings
Transforming the Edifice: Post-socialist Engagements with the House of the People in Bucharest
Discussant: Isa Blumi
10.15 – 11.15 am Francine Friedman
Writing for Survival: Letters of Sarajevo Jews Before Their Liquidation during World War II
Discussant: Catharina Raudvere       
11.30 – 12.30 pm Zlatko Jovanovic
"This is a Country for You": Jugonostalgija and Antinationalism in Post-Yugoslav Popular Music
Discussant: Tea Sindbæk
12.30 – 1.30 pm Lunch
chair: Mogens Pelt
1.30 – 2.30 pm Fabio Giomi
The Orient in the West and the West in the Orient: Turkish Modernity throughout the Eyes of Yugoslav Muslims
Discussant: Elisabeth Özdalga
2.45 – 3.45 pm Hilde Haug
Modernists versus Patriots: Politicization of the Past in Serbia
Discussant: Abdullah Simsek
5 pm Public Seminar and Screening of the documentary Twice a Stranger
Venue: Alexandersalen
8 pm Dinner at restaurant Søren K
Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1, 1221 København K
Friday 13 December
chair: Abdullah Simsek
9.30 – 10.30 am Tanja Zimmermann
Commemorating Serbia, 5th October 2000: Remembrance and Suppression in Vladimir Milovanović’ “The Face of a Revolution” (2012)
Discussant: Anamaria Dutceac Segesten
11 – 12 pm Isa Blumi
Battles of Nostalgic Proportion: The Transformations of Islam as Historical Force in Kosovar Reconstitutions of the recent past, 1990-2013
Discussant: Ayhan Aktar
12 – 1 pm Lunch
chair: Trine Stauning Willert
1 – 2 pm Cecilie Endresen
Becoming Greek and Christian? Identity changes among Muslim Albanians in Greece
Discussant: Catharina Raudvere
2.30 – 3.30 pm Dietmar Müller
Regionalizing Practices of Landownership: Transylvania, Banat and Vojvodina in the Interwar Period
Discussant: Mogens Pelt
3.30 – 4pm Summing-up and farewell